About the Author
The author was born in Washington D.C. and spent his youth in Maryland, in a blend of surrounding cultures. He shared in his dad’s old Appalachian ways; a tough life of hard work rewarded by an immersion in nature’s beauty. He also spent his youth among his mom’s family and their sweet and jolly life of prosperous farm Americana. These influences along with the heady cultural mix of a bustling D.C. environment expanded his perspective and increased his curiosity of the larger world.
The author’s love for writing was with him from an early age. His passion and connection to the art truly bloomed while attending John Hopkins University, from which he received a full scholarship.
It was there, among fellow poets and amidst the late 1960s cultural shifts, that he developed his focus on the spiritual, metaphysical and transcendental. He looked into that world, identified with it, and found community there. This is where his journey in searching for deep wisdom and understanding began.
In the years that followed, the author spent his days working with his hands, building, reflecting, and raising a family, watching the poetry that had always lived in his heart emerge, intermittently at first, for years, and then becoming a steady pour, a rain of Grace.
Always wanting to learn more, and to share the wisdom of the ages that he’d sought, he began searching for the best way and right time to bring what he’d learned into the world through the written word.
The author seeks to make connections, and encourage others to search out deep knowledge and to reach for the divine in one’s self and the universe.
The author has looked to the words of Rumi, Yogi Vasistha, the book of Psalms, David R. Hawkins, and many other spiritual teachings as his inspiration.
The author worked on his poetry in quiet morning privacy, pouring those words, long accumulating in his heart onto the page. Those words he’d been storing began to crystallize and became Falling into All. And now he recognizes that the time is right to share his words with the world.

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