
“He makes the ordinary into the extraordinary, and while he does it, he finds the strength to pause and think it through.”
—Ingrid Croce
Co-author of I Got A Name, The Jim Croce Story
“A wonderful collection of meditations in the style of Kabir, Rumi and Tagore.”
“This book is a treasure with each page revealing a door to feel the precious stillness and wonder of being alive. This is no ordinary door, it swings both ways so the reader’s inner quiet and wisdom are awakened along with a deep appreciation for the outer. This is definitely a book to keep close and read again and again as the messages speak louder with each opening.”
—Holly Riley, Best Selling Author of Allowing ~ A Portrait of Forgiving and Letting Life Love You
Просто смотря на это, ЭТО становится ясным. Читая, то что между слов,
зтого замечательного произведения искусства, я обнаружил мистический опыт того , насколько все взаимосвязанно, с очень приятным подтверждением через ощущением мурашек по коже.
Беляев Андрей.
“I just look at this, and It is clear. Reading what is between the words of this marvelous piece of art, I discovered a mystical experience, how everything is interconnected, with a very pleasant confirmation through the feeling of goose bumps.”
—Andrey Belyaev
همانطور که بسیار عالي نامگذاری شده؛ کتاب “افتادن در همه” با استفاده از کلمات بسیارساده که بطور عالی کنار هم قرار گرفتند، ما را به سفری میبرد که ساختار عقلانی ما در هم شکسته و در حالت پذیرش و تسلیم قرار گیریم. میتوانیم از آن به عنوان منبع الهام برای راهنمای مراقبه روزانه استفاده کنیم.
رها نوری فام
“As it is perfectly titled Falling Into All, this takes us on a journey to collapse the intellectual mind into the beauty of the surrender, by using simple words that have been magnificently arranged one next to another. Great source of inspiration for daily meditation guide.”
—Raha Nourifam
“Entering this collection of Ben’s [Bei En 北恩*] poems is, as if one is holding Zhuang Zi’s Butterfly Dreams in one hand and the Dao De Jing of Lao Zi in the other in a tranquil Zen garden and hearing their words under a clear breeze. This poet has traversed many traditions and cultures, giving voice to his own words in grace and song. This voice brings comfort, particularly to our world of today.”
—Tsun Yuan Chen
“Reading your poems formed a rhythm in my body. Everything became slower, and what I read became a body reaction. I’m touched. Thank you, my friend Ben.”
—Rosmarie Herzig
“En mans poesi
Låter som hans själs sång,
Uttryckt på så många sätt.
Fastän bara en kommer i åtanke,
Som är i sig självt hjärtat
Jag längtar efter.”
“One man’s poetry
Sounds like the song of his soul,
Expressed in so many ways.
Yet only One comes to mind,
Being itself the heart
That I adore,”
—Bjorn Saw
“Ben Teeter’s poems are as tender as a John Denver song and as bright as a William Blake etching. They give me the feeling of sitting at Zazen in a remote temple in Kyoto, but also have the delightful playfulness with words as he sings quietly about the joys of life. It’s like a healing salve for the current extraordinary upheavals in all of our lives. His words of quiet levity give me the levitation I need today.”
—Andrew Chen
Author of Along Alien Roads – I Jing of A Life
“A welcome meditation on the universal and sacred now, Falling Into All delivers honest, unblinking observations of the universal now. It is a meditative respite for these and all times. Cozy up into peaceful awareness.”
—Kenneth Zak
Author of The Poet’s Secret
“The Gift of Ben’s Poetry reminds us that every step is the key to unlocking the illumination of each and every present moment. “
—Jimmy Rock
Co-author of I Got A Name, The Jim Croce Story
Falling Into All is an invitation to walk in grace, to penetrate the seeming veil of separation between our world and the world of Spirit.
Falling Into All is a quiet anthem of a soul’s longing to reunite with Spirit. Allow yourself to be swept into these waters of peace.
Falling Into All is a reminder of how to walk in this world while simultaneously being in communion with Spirit.
—Becky Lawton
“A once-in-a-generation pandemic. Economic uncertainty. Social unrest. Contested election results. If, like me, you find yourself worried, grieving, rebelling against constraints and uncertainty, then Falling into All is the perfect salve to soothe your frenzied brain. Ben’s poems are beautifully crafted, a juxtaposition of words that have challenged me to let go of the need for structure, answers, next steps, certainty and control, and to move forward instead in wisdom, peace and joy. I dog-eared many pages and marked lines that surprised, moved, and inspired me. Here are some of my favorite excerpts:
Dare, in this way,
With Nothing
To say.
Write out, unceasing,
Your erasing.
And should a sense of
Personal responsibility
Be wise.
And act instead
In states of
Effortless surprise,
—Naomi Fortner
“[Falling into All is] an inspired distillation of years of meditation on the divine.”
—Richard Payne
“Your words are like a good friend who takes you by the hand and shows you what is important.”
—Jeannette Fischer
“Falling into All exercises the discipline of going inward. The simplicity of verse and economy of word veil deeper meaning, yet Ben manages to launch the reader into a journey to reveal the wisdom of an innate knowing. In our pause, he shifts us gently back into a simpler way, with an ease that allows the friendly surrender of the journeying mind. Revealed in these writings is a study of great depth and peace that involves everything and requires nothing but a sincere heart.
Beautifully written, it is an enigmatic, profound treatise.
“Enjoy the journey.”
—Ginny Breeland
“Ben eloquently merges the art of poetry with the infinite wonder of existential philosophy. As described from a unique perspective, an ‘arrangement of events encountered’ gives insight into the author’s exploration of all.”
—Ali Obeid
“I like the non-imposing, non-intruding way by which the author is bringing forth his feelings about the Universe, Divine Spirit, profound spiritual (as I would not call it religious) yearnings – and the gentleness that transpires – together with the decisive strength of the feelings expressed.… I find this to be a book open to various readings and understandings: it truly encourages one to go beyond his or her current borders and strengths.”
—Bogdan Cranganu-Cretu
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